Recently I was cast into a beer commercial. For those of you who have never gone through the experience of a shoot, it is NOT as glamorous as you might think. Basically, waiting is key. The next couple of entries describe the scene a bit. These two drawings were at a fitting, where we waited... and waited.
Working in a commercial gave me the chance to capture some of the backstage action. The waiting periods were long, the disgruntled faces were many, thank god I had my faithful sketchbook to turn to in my hours of dire need. This girl Lea ironed with concenration and care in the wardrobe truck. After she saw the drawing, she said I made her look too chinese. I liked her. Things weren't so smooth in the hair and makeup department. The hair lady had a few displeased costumers, shown below. The woman on top didn't want her hair flattened too much, while the young lady below her was fuming because she said her braids made her look like Heidi. I kind of agreed. In case you are wondering, the director made hair lady re-do the controversial braids later. Everyone was happy. The biggest challenge as an actor in a commercial is withstanding the grueling waiting periods. Shown here are a few of my mates chatting, sending text messages or just wasting away onto their seats in desperation.
I found this old doodle in one of my sketchbooks the other day. I had forgotten about it, but I like it. It had a caption that read: "I have a feeling we're being watched"